Monday, September 10, 2012

"Never forget the 343" (9/11)

As 9/11 rears its head tomorrow as the 11th anniversary, there will be a lot of talk about never forgetting the 343. 

Well, please allow me to alter that number:
343 members of the NYFD (341 FFs, 2 paramedics, and a chaplain)
23 members of the NYPD
37 law enforcement officers of the Port Authority
8 private service EMTs and Paramedics
55 military personnel serving at the Pentagon
And a poor bomb-sniffing dog named Sirius.

My point is, there were almost 3000 victims of the attacks, not to mention families and loved ones, and far more than 343 of them were serving in one form or another. Lots of people "ran in while others ran out", including civilians.  When we think about the men and women whose lives have been lost in the war (ostensibly) begun by the attack, the number jumps even higher.  

So honor the 343, but when you say "never forget", please never forget the others, either.

And to all of you who serve in any way, or who hold someone who serves dear, thank you.

Edit:  Emergency medical service personnel who are non-fire-based often feel like the red-headed stepchildren of emergency services.  We/they are often ignored, ridiculed, criticized, or forgotten all together.  Yet their ranks include some of the brightest and best out there.  I'm sure this applies to law enforcement officers of non-city departments, as well (such as the port authority).  Regardless, I wouldn't want someone forgetting my colleague who died trying to save a life simply because he wasn't on NYFD, let alone if that person were family.  

Spin and media coverage does not a hero make.

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